DB Briefs: Only Eurocrats Can Save Us Now / Cut Government Except for Wars / Al-Qaeda Grows Like a Blob
By Staff News & Analysis - September 15, 2011

Only Eurocrats Can Save Us Now … Eurozone crisis could rip EU apart: officials AFP – The eurozone crisis could wreck the European Union, top EU officials warned on Wednesday as the leaders of Germany and France held talks with Greece to avoid a default and widespread chaos. The pressure rose on all fronts with United States again expressing great concern, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner saying European states “now recognise they are going to have to do more” to resolve the crisis … “Europe is in danger,” Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski, whose country currently chairs EU meetings, told the European Parliament in Strasbourg. “If the eurozone breaks up, the European Union will not be able to survive,” he added. At his most dramatic, Rostowski even warned that “war” could return to Europe if the crisis fatally weakens the EU, founded amid the rubble of World War II. – France24

Cut Government Except for Wars … Republicans, Stick With Six Simple Words to Beat Obama … GOP contenders need to remember to loudly to remind all Americans why a Republican must be in the White House come January 20, 2013. As I wrote here in Fox News Opinion just a year ago, the message the candidates convey to Americans needs to be as clear as possible to hit home with voters. Six words are all it takes: – Small Government – Low Taxes – National Security … Smaller government and low taxes will achieve the economic kick start that the United States needs so badly by stimulating hiring and consumer spending. A continued concentration on national security is necessary to make sure that Americans continue to be safe as we have been for 10 years since the attacks of 9/11. The use of such a simple summary, of course coupled with a detailed plan for revitalization of America, is perfectly timed. – Fox News

Al-Qaeda Grows Like a Blob … Al-Qaeda’s affiliates in Africa, working side by side … Al-Qaeda’s core leadership in Pakistan may be losing strength, but the terrorist network’s affiliates in northern and central Africa are hardly weakening. In fact, U.S. officials say, the groups are increasingly collaborating with each other. Three regional Islamic extremist groups – al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in North Africa, the Boko Haram in Nigeria and the al-Shabab militia in Somalia – are sharing trainers and copying each other’s tactics, according to Gen. Carter F. Ham, chief of the U.S. Africa Command. “Just the fact that they want to connect is worrying,” Ham said at a breakfast hosted by the Defense Writers Group. – Washington Post

Only Eurocrats Can Save Us Now

Eurozone crisis could rip EU apart: officials AFP – The eurozone crisis could wreck the European Union, top EU officials warned on Wednesday as the leaders of Germany and France held talks with Greece to avoid a default and widespread chaos. The pressure rose on all fronts with United States again expressing great concern, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner saying European states “now recognise they are going to have to do more” to resolve the crisis … “Europe is in danger,” Polish Finance Minister Jacek Rostowski, whose country currently chairs EU meetings, told the European Parliament in Strasbourg. “If the eurozone breaks up, the European Union will not be able to survive,” he added. At his most dramatic, Rostowski even warned that “war” could return to Europe if the crisis fatally weakens the EU, founded amid the rubble of World War II. His underlying message was backed up by European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso, who described the crisis as “the most serious challenge of a generation.” – France24

Dominant Social Theme: The sky is falling and only Eurocrats can save us.

Free-Market Analysis: Watch the unfolding Euro-crisis, which is at least a partially engineered one, and one is struck by the shamelessness with which the top Eurocrats use dominant social themes to try to achieve their desired goals. And what is their main goal? Why, a closer and more perfect EU, of course, one with greater political “harmony” to be achieved through aggressive centralization.

Look at the excerpt above. In less than 200 words, two major fear-based promotions are trotted out: First, that Europe is somehow “in danger” of chaos and default and second, that war may be the inevitable outcome of an EU collapse. Of course, since Anglosphere money power funded both European “World Wars” in the 20th Century it is difficult to see how war “could return” to the continent unless the Anglosphere desires it. Perhaps it does.

What also comes to mind is how phony the crisis appears on some days. We still remember the supposed blow-up that Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel had in private in 2008, when the crisis was just taking shape. Supposedly, Sarkozy threatened to withdraw France from the union if Merkel were not more cooperative. Big news, or so it seemed at the time.

But no … in many ways this is an engineered crisis – though a dangerous one that is apt to spin out of control at any moment. But that doesn’t stop the manipulation. Only a few days ago, German bankers were grimly telling Greek politicians that they would not receive the next tranche of funds to protect Greece from insolvency. Today, the markets are rallying on a rapprochement. So it goes. One day, the world’s leaders “cry havoc” and the next day they are making friends. We don’t believe any of it at this point. We just hope that first the euro and then the EU simply goes away.

Cut Government Except for Wars

Republicans, Stick With Six Simple Words to Beat Obama … GOP contenders need to remember to loudly remind all Americans why a Republican must be in the White House come January 20, 2013. As I wrote here in Fox News Opinion just a year ago, the message the candidates convey to Americans needs to be as clear as possible to hit home with voters. Six words are all it takes: Small Government – Low Taxes – National Security … Smaller government and low taxes will achieve the economic kickstart that the United States needs so badly by stimulating hiring and consumer spending. A continued concentration on national security is necessary to make sure that Americans continue to be safe as we have been for 10 years since the attacks of 9/11. The use of such a simple summary, of course coupled with a detailed plan for revitalization of America, is perfectly timed. – Fox News

Dominant Social Theme: Small government is absolutely necessary except for the military-industrial complex.

Free-Market Analysis: The biggest subversive tendency of Congressman Ron Paul’s rhetoric has been his point that spending ought to be cut throughout the US government. Before Ron Paul became a major political figure in the US, no one had voiced for at least a quarter-century if not longer the idea that the US military-industrial complex was part of the US spending problem.

Of course, this has not sat well with the so-called “conservative” movement in America. Actually, the conservative movement in America is a kind of modern incarnation of what might have been termed “fascism” in less politically correct days, at least in its most extreme incarnations. Conservatism in America increasingly emphasizes a kind of “my country, right or wrong” mentality that includes an over-emphasis on patriotism, militarism and even xenophobia.

Ron Paul, on the other hand, is closer to where American conservatism began before the name was changed. Once upon a time people like Ron Paul were referred to as liberals, classical liberals. The idea was that small government, low taxes and little in the way of regulations and laws guaranteed a wealthier and freer society.

In the modern era, in the US, this modest political platform has been attached to the US military-industrial complex with 1,000 military bases around the world now coordinating at least five regional wars. It is impossible to have small government within the context of the American mandate to “save the world” and the trillion dollar outlays it produces. Fox News writers and editorialists don’t seem to notice the contradiction, which is part of what makes the enunciation of such sentiments a dominant social theme.

Al-Qaeda Grows Like a Blob

Al-Qaeda’s affiliates in Africa, working side by side … Al-Qaeda’s core leadership in Pakistan may be losing strength, but the terrorist network’s affiliates in northern and central Africa are hardly weakening. In fact, U.S. officials say, the groups are increasingly collaborating with each other. Three regional Islamic extremist groups – al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in North Africa, the Boko Haram in Nigeria and the al-Shabab militia in Somalia – are sharing trainers and copying each other’s tactics, according to Gen. Carter F. Ham, chief of the U.S. Africa Command. “Just the fact that they want to connect is worrying,” Ham said at a breakfast hosted by the Defense Writers Group. – Washington Post

Dominant Social Theme: Al-Qaeda is morphing into a multi-headed hydra that must be opposed by all means no matter the expense.

Free-Market Analysis: This warning is part and parcel of the larger fear-mongering now going on in the halls of power. In Europe, we have warnings that if the EU breaks apart, Europe itself will be plunged back into war. Never mind that the elites behind the EU are the same ones that funded the large European wars of the 20th Century.

We can see the same dynamic at work at the Pentagon in America. Now that the economic crisis has become a factor in dramatically reducing military budgets, America’s military leaders are discovering a resurgent al-Qaeda. It is said to have “reconstituted” itself in Yemen and now – as we can see from this article in the Washington Post – it is said to have morphed into one large blob encompassing Somalia, Algeria and the Islamic Maghreb (whatever that is).

Part of the charm (if one can use that word) of rediscovering al-Qaeda over and over again is the rehearsal of its foreign elements. Military officials identify arcane backwaters of impoverishment with relish. They identify al-Qaeda leaders with the same enthusiasm. No American has ever heard of the Islamic Maghreb, but no matter. By chanting such strange words and place names, those in charge give the impression that they are privy to matters far beyond the ken of average people.

In fact, they are. Those in charge know full well that they are participating in a phony war against an enemy that may have been created out of whole cloth by the CIA itself. But every large institution needs an enemy in order to justify its existence.

As long as the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex constitute a trillion-dollar industry, America shall have war and more war. Defense is a self-perpetuating entity that must regularly rediscover a reason for its existence. It is unfortunate that the price extracted is so high and includes, inevitably, human suffering and sacrifice.

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