STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1 - 3 of 3
One Day Before Retirement, Nest Egg Smashed by Mayor’s Executive Order
April 08, 2018
"My parents have lost their long-nurtured nest egg to the whim of a young authoritarian politico... this may entirely change how they live out the rest of their lives." ...
Joe Jarvis mountains
Everyone Alive Believes in Private Property
April 06, 2017
Everyone alive on earth has drunk water within the last 72 hours (or at least within the last week if they are a special case of survival). That means at the time of consumption, every person on earth considered that water their property, otherwise they woul ...
Are We Still in a Feudal System of Property?
March 04, 2017
Do you own property? How does it feel to have a piece of land that is yours, that no one can take from you? Unless of course, you don’t pay your yearly rent, or rather property tax, to the town. And then of course the government could always just take y ...