STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1 - 3 of 3
Alcohol Companies Calling for Draconian Police State Measures to Driving on Weed
June 05, 2018
June 5, 2018. Alcohol companies funded a report advocating testing impaired drivers for marijuana. But the tests don't work. ...
How Sane Cannabis Policy is Blocked by the Machine
April 24, 2017
The federal ban on cannabis is one of those policies which make living in Americ feel like the dark ages. It wastes tax dollars with enforcement, and it tramples states' rights to make their own laws. Worst of all though, it threatens legal businesses in sta ...
Why New Regulation Banning “Synthetic Marijuana” is Ignoring the Root Issue
April 07, 2017
The government's solution to every problem they create is to just pass more draconian rules on top of the immense pile of crap they have already dumped on Americans. The Drug Enforcement Agency will publish a new rule on Monday banning synthetic marijuana, s ...