Failing Water Promotion Drives Elite Insecurity
By Staff News & Analysis - October 01, 2010

Water map shows billions at risk of 'water insecurity' … Environment correspondent, BBC News … About 80% of the world's population lives in areas where the fresh water supply is not secure, according to a new global analysis. Researchers compiled a composite index of "water threats" that includes issues such as scarcity and pollution. The most severe threat category encompasses 3.4 billion people. Writing in the journal Nature, they say that in western countries, conserving water for people through reservoirs and dams works for people, but not nature. They urge developing countries not to follow the same path. Instead, they say governments should to invest in water management strategies that combine infrastructure with "natural" options such as safeguarding watersheds, wetlands and flood plains. The analysis is a global snapshot, and the research team suggests more people are likely to encounter more severe stress on their water supply in the coming decades, as the climate changes and the human population continues to grow. –

Dominant Social Theme: The world is running out of water. Really.

Free-Market Analysis: We are returning to this promotion once more (after our recent article) because water scarcity and food scarcity were evidently and obviously going to be the next themes that the power elite was going to heavily promote. This makes a good deal of sense given that the global warming promotion was supposed to be in high gear by now. The logical argument was going to be that climate change had had disastrous effects on food and water. Dominant social theme: "Humankind has got to stop breathing, eating and drinking. Hey, why don't we try a big die off instead!"

Who really knows what the elite has in mind? Did it think in its collective arrogance and ineptitude that people might be so brainwashed, eventually, that they would agree to a kind of vaccine culling of the species. We are aware that birth control vaccines have been discussed, and presumably the elite is headed in this direction. But they cannot get beyond square one. (Vaccines having come under attack as well.) The global warming promotion has thoroughly bollixed up other ones. Promotions are a kind of logical story – a narrative. This particular story seems to have lost its plotline.

These speculations are not for everyone of course. One has to agree first of all that there is an elite, that it desires some sort of global dominance and that it uses fear-based promotions to shove the rest of us in that direction. On top of these assumptions, one has to decide whether such promotions are working well or whether the truth-telling of the Internet has slowed them down. Finally, one has to decide on an alternative. What will take the place of elite control if it slips? Are free-markets capable of filling the vacuum?

The Daily Bell, of course, does make these postulates. Here at the Bell we state unequivocally that there is a power elite. We maintain that it is interested in world government and that it does indeed use fear-based promotions to aggregate wealth and power, mostly from the middle class. We go beyond this though in arguing that the Internet itself is undermining elite promotions and that the 21st century, unlike the 20th, is basically going to be built around a conflict between the Internet and the elite.

We go even farther. We believe that based on the history of communication innovation, specifically the Gutenberg press, the world and especially the West has embarked upon a kind of Renaissance that may end up with the elite taking a step back in terms of its intentions to rule. We believe that in this day and age those who wish to make familial, investment or personal decisions need to take both the Internet and the elite into account – and then try to figure out what the results of this specific confrontation will be over time.

While we are agnostic about the outcome (in the sense that we are not going to predict winners and losers) we do believe that a struggle has begun between the Internet and the power elite and that the elite is not doing very well at the moment on numerous fronts. The most obvious example of elite fumbling is global warming itself. Not only has the global warming promotion been exposed as essentially fraudulent, but it appears that there is significant concern among the elite (which propounded the initial promotion) that global COOLING may be on the horizon.

The UK Guardian, in a list of Bilderberg matters to be discussed in 2010 included global cooling on the agenda as follows: "Financial reforms security, cyber technology, energy, Pakistan, Afghanistan, world food problem, global cooling, social networking, medical science, EU-US relations … That list is a window into your future. Don't think for one minute that it isn't. And don't ignore it, because it isn't ignoring you."

This is perhaps the reason that the elite has been trying out so many different phrases as of late when it comes to global warming – climate change and climate disruption among them. But even without global cooling, the elite promotional program is struggling in our view. One can see it again in the article we excerpted at the beginning of this analysis. The last sentence reads as follows: "The analysis is a global snapshot, and the research team suggests more people are likely to encounter more severe stress on their water supply in the coming decades, as the climate changes and the human population continues to grow."

You see, dear reader. There it is … "climate change." But with global warming all-but-dead as a promotion and the elite grappling with the ramifications of global cooling, the idea that one may segue smoothly from climate disaster into water and food disasters is at least questionable. Of course this won't stop the elite from trying. They never give up.

And as regards the water-scarcity promotion, we can see once again the single-mindedness that the elite can muster in aggregate. The researchers presenting their argument in nature complied a global map of "water threats." Who in their right mind has the time or attention to do something like this? How did it occur to them? Why did they release the study now? (Inquiring minds want to know!) Of course, the conclusions (predictably) are grim. About half the human race, according to these researchers, are faced with water shortages or other kinds of water insecurity. No surprise, from our point of view.

It's easy to tell a promotion these days. One can simply Google various keywords and come up with a good sense of the kinds of promotions upon which the elite is actively embarked. Say, here's a question for you, dear reader. When was the last time, on feeling thirsty, that you expressed to someone you were feeling some "insecurity" about a drink. Never? We neither. When we speak about water, we do it terms of wanting a drink or not wanting a drink.

But Google "water insecurity" and you come up with 2.25 MILLION cites. More than two million! Where the heck did that come from? Who uses words like "water insecurity?" Did you ever hear of anyone speak about a lack of water that way? Did your neighbor ever speak of drilling a well to combat his or her "water insecurity?" Ours neither. Nonetheless, here it is – a promotion being brought massively online – one complete with the ritualistic and perfectly predictable rhetorical gobbledygook. First global warming, then "water insecurity" and finally "food insecurity."

As we wrote above, it takes a good bit of work to wrap one's mind around the real, fundamental argument that is taking place today. It's going on between the elite and the truth-telling of the Internet. It's not a struggle that is mentioned at all by the mainstream media and the alternative Internet press does not for the most part put it in these terms either. Yet the elite's track record at the beginning of the 21st century is anything but perfect. American wars are foundering in Afghanistan; the global warming meme is souring at a rapid rate; the EU threatens to become undone; central banking itself is under attack.

After Thoughts

Again, we are not predicting that we will wake up one day to find the elite has metaphorically hoisted a white flag. Far from it. But as we have pointed out before, one way of gauging how concerned the elite is about its promotions is by taking the pulse of the mainstream press. The more libertarian the language of the mainstream, the more the elite is conceding in our view – in order to maintain the credibility of the larger conversation. And given the kinds of libertarian vocabulary and concepts that have been adopted by Rupert Murdoch's FOX programming and even by the Wall Street Journal, we would say that the elite is mighty concerned. And the century is young.

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