Gareth Icke's Musical Video Reminds Us of the Strange Content of Modern Compositions
By Staff News & Analysis - February 19, 2013

Remember Who You Are – the great new song written and performed by Gareth Icke. An anthem for our time. – David Icke website

Dominant Social Theme: Pop's satanic evolution is normal and natural.

Free-Market Analysis: We've written about David Icke before, suggesting that what is seemingly inexplicable and strange – downright nutty – about his conspiracy theories is no different than the great artist William Blake's creation of poetic cosmogony in his era.

You can see our interview with him here: "David Icke on Terrorism, 'Totalitarian Tiptoe' and the Coming Post-Industrial Technocracy."

Blake (who may have mingled with the power elite of his day) played with metaphor as does Icke, or so we've suggested. Icke denies it, of course. The writer of 900-page books has not an ironic bone in his body, or so we are told.

Human beings are consistently metaphorical creatures but David Icke assures us that metaphor is not his stock in trade. He wouldn't know a simile if it smacked him in the face.

Okay, David. Some day an enterprising graduate student is going to take on your oeuvre and show fairly conclusively that it presents us with a meticulously created alternative universe, complete with hollow moons, reptilian shape shifters, Illuminati bloodlines, etc.

It is actually a poetic ode to good and evil, one he's been elaborating on for most of his adult life. As soon as you stop taking his protestations that he is a straight-shooting, one-dimensional fellow seriously, the commentary and its subversive purposes snap into view.

Now apparently he's got his son (we think it is his son) involved in the family business, as well. The son is a rock musician and last year he wrote a song celebrating his father's latest book.

You can see the video on Icke's website (link below at the end of this article).

The book is an exhortation to stand up courageously and face the evil in the world. The song by young Icke is an affirmation of that perspective.

The reason we are mentioning the song is because it is a kind of counter-programming that makes use of the Internet and shows us that popular music need not be what it is today.

Icke's song is uplifting, courageous and has little if anything to do with sex, drugs or intimate violence. It is a variant of a kind of song that has begun to appear on YouTube.

Call it the "people's music." It features subject matter – including protests against the current regime – that is far different than much current popular music.

Contrast this evolving trend with what exists in the mainstream. Most popular songs in the modern era – by the industry's top stars – are misogynist rap or militaristic, pornographic or saccharine-sweet love songs.

More and more young female pop stars enjoy superstar status – Madonna, Rhianna and Lady GaGa come to mind. Justin Bieber – the 'tween rock star – could also be included in this group but as an adolescent, he is far from presenting the image of a mature man.

The music scene is no accident. The powers-that-be are seemingly making a conscious effort to re-emphasize and update the Earth Mother meme of ancient culture.

For various reasons, the top elites – almost all male, in our view – want to create a cult of perverse Gaia worship and are using young, musical women to do it. Again, there are very few if any men these days that have the consciously cultivated world-spanning notoriety of Lady Gaga or Madonna.

Understanding the power of the entertainment complex and the control exercised over it by the power elite, we figure this is no accident.

We are so used to the degrading compositions of modern music that we simply assume it must be as it is. We accept it and find it as natural as breathing – as natural as, say, the sterility and human-sapping qualities of much modern art.

We forget, because it is not part of our rhetorical consciousness, that popular music need not be as it is, that Lady Gaga need not utilize a constant stream of cynical Illuminati images while running around with a bra supporting submachine guns. Madonna's stage show need not spray blood and focus so specifically on sexual imagery.

Sex, love and procreation are intimate and daily parts of human life; art has always celebrated them, as well it should. But what is going on today is far beyond any celebration and could be considered the reverse, actually.

Today's music and movies are intended to cocoon us in a certain kind of reality. It is only via what we call the Internet Reformation that we have begun to break through this sort of cultural conditioning.

After Thoughts

It is no coincidence that a different kind of song appears on the Internet on a website provided by a poet of the Illuminati conspiracy and composed by his young son.

See the video here: "Remember Who You Are: The Great New Song Written and Performed by Gareth Icke."

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