Moon Landing Doubters … A Sign of the Times
By Staff News & Analysis - February 08, 2013

Thomas Herbrich: "The Truth About the Moon Landing" satirical take … For his project, Herbrich, whose work will be on view in March at the Circulation(s) Festival in Paris, wanted to concoct his own hoax not about the moon landing itself but about the photographs documenting the famous first steps on the moon. Herbrich invented a character, the fictitious "Uncle Stanley," to insert into the events surrounding the moon landing as a starting point for the story. The premise of the series is that Uncle Stanley is behind the photos of the astronauts first landing and walking on the moon (including the famous photo of Neil Armstrong's footprint on the moon's surface). Stanley was, allegedly, one of rocket scientist Wernher von Braun's friends and co-workers at NASA. In addition to staging the moon landing photos, Uncle Stan purportedly came up with the 10-seconds-to-launch countdown. – Slate

Dominant Social Theme: These fellows have bigger tin foil hats than anyone.

Free-Market Analysis: Doubts about NASA's landing on the moon persist despite everything that NASA and its enablers and supporters do to stamp them out.

Various satires (see above) and the odd video continue to emerge on a regular basis to combat outbreaks of disbelief by those who increasingly don't believe the official story. See also our article on a recent video, "Why the US Moon Landing Was Not Faked."

Recent polls have shown that up to 30 percent of those questioned on the issue have considerable doubts that man reached the moon. The frustration is almost palpable among those who support the official narrative and we understand why this should be so.

The various landings on the moon are among humankind's most significant accomplishments – assuming they are as reported – and are also a resonant triumph for the modern US … as leviathan and empire.

The moon landings, in fact, are a most significant elite dominant social theme. They act as a metaphor for the regnant State, a justification for big government, a signifier for empire.

Everything about the moon landings supports the current scenario of the Western paradigm. NASA is a gigantic bureaucracy; the astronauts worked for the US military; the political wing of the US empire provided the funding.

If the moon landings are a hoax, then a basic anchor of the military-industrial complex is unmoored.

This is why the moon-landing hoax won't go away, why the "hoax-ers" are taken so seriously by the Anglo-American Establishment and why so much time and energy is devoted to attacking them and "debunking the debunkers."

In the excerpted report article above posted at Slate, we can see yet another attempt at mocking those who doubt. Slate, a certifiable elite mouthpiece with leftist inclinations, is just one more outlet that can provide us with coverage of what "sensible" people think of the loons who don't believe NASA's presentation of the facts.

We've carried plenty of articles about NASA's moon landings and indicated our skepticism of the current official narrative. And debunking videos and articles are posted all over the Internet – as are rebuttals. It is a fierce argument that, like the 9/11 debate, refuses to die.

Other debunking arguments have been given life by what we call the Internet Reformation. The shootings of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy as well as the assassination of Martin Luther King.

The reason there are increasing – not decreasing – doubts about official stories on almost any controversial topic is because we are today in possession of a narrative that was not available before the advent of electronic communications.

Today, we can see the sweep of modern Western history – official history – and compare it to another narrative that has been patiently constructed over the past two decades by emergent alternative media.

The alternative narrative is both shocking and compelling. It postulates the existence of a small group of impossibly wealthy individuals funded by the Internet who seek world government and are manipulating historical events to gain it.

These people use Money Power to create directed history – always with the end goal of global governance in mind. War, depression and regulatory democracy are all manipulated toward one end: the centralization of power.

Keeping this narrative in mind, it is perfectly understandable that those who doubt the official story about the moon landings should emerge and continue to voice their difficulties with the official story.

What is driving the moon doubters is not so much the particulars of the explanations as the larger view of how the power elite has operated over the past century or more.

The ramifications are sociological, political and, of course, economic. As trust erodes in the current moorings of monetary and fiscal policy, significant sums of money are at stake. If the current central banking paradigm is jeopardized as a result of doubts generated elsewhere, then a social breakdown can take place – one that can jeopardize the very fabric of economy.

And yet the doubts persist and even expand. One can argue, in fact, that the rise and continuance of moon landing skepticism already serve as a kind of metaphor for a larger cultural breakdown.

This is surely the reason for the amount of pushback that moon-hoax believers receive from mainstream sources. The debunking Websites and the energy generally devoted to maintaining the official moon narrative is startling. It is as vehement and persistent as debunking rhetoric itself.

We are continually surprised by these mainstream arguments, as we know of only a few other elite memes that attract as much defensive energy. Perhaps no others.

After Thoughts

Within this context we can perhaps paraphrase Shakespeare: ""The lady doth protest too much …" (Hamlet)

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