STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1 - 3 of 3
Victim Blame: Let the People Go Their Separate Ways
January 04, 2018
The United States was founded on secession. It didn't have to be violent, but it was. Whose fault was that? Was it the United States' fault for insisting on more local governance? Or was it England's fault for ignoring the consent of the governed? ...
Everything You Need to Know About the Catalan Independence Referendum
October 05, 2017
The response of the Spanish government is perplexing. They basically strengthened the resolve of the Catalans to remove themselves from an aggressive and violent subjugator. The Spanish government's response was reminiscent of military dictator Francisco Franco ...
Spain is Holding Catalonia Hostage
May 28, 2017
Spain however, doesn't even want the people of Catalonia to talk about or think about secession. The former President of Catalonia defied the Spanish government when he held a referendum to form a new country of Catalonia. 35% of eligible voters turned out in t ...