STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Showing 1 - 4 of 4
CDC Breeds Fear Over Salmonella in Backyard Chickens. Here’s the real risk.
July 24, 2018
July 24, 2018. You are 24 times more likely to get salmonella if you do NOT keep backyard chickens! ...
Where the Government Fear-Porn Propaganda Industry is Headed
December 02, 2017
The first step, create a monster. The second step, use that monster to scare people into giving you power. ...
How to Be Alert to Risks but Not Engulfed by Fear
March 30, 2017
If you are flying a jet, and approaching a thunderstorm, is it better to go through the thunderstorm, or to fly above it, safely out of range? The thunderstorm exists, and is dangerous; you cannot change that. But what you can change is how you interact with th ...
3 Exciting New Ways to Destroy Humanity That Everyone is Talking About!
March 19, 2017
You know what everyone is really nostalgic for? The good old days during the cold war when everyone thought humanity was going to be wiped out by a nuclear holocaust. There was something cozy about nuclear fallout shelters and cowering under a desk as the air r ...