Dr. Mercola: Swine Flu Was Oversold
By Staff News & Analysis - January 06, 2010

While many so-called scientific experts have criticized me and others who have spoken out about the fear-mongering and senseless mass-vaccination campaign surrounding the swine flu, more of the scientific community is now coming to the same conclusions we've been talking about for months. The swine flu pandemic was a pandemic that never materialized, just exactly as I predicted. Now it looks as though the H1N1 scare of 2009 will go down as one of the biggest government and pharmaceutical scams ever, renewing a healthy, and necessary, skepticism about government fear-mongering, the swine flu vaccine and the dubious dealings behind the implementation of worldwide mass-vaccination programs. It started last month when British and French media began saying the H1N1 pandemic has been "hyped" by medical researchers to further their own cause, boost research grants and line the pockets of drug companies. Ontario health officials have also declared H1N1 a "dud" pandemic, stating the huge government investment made so far may have been unjustified. And now, a new study by researchers at Harvard University and the Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit in the U.K. is finding that this "pandemic" was never a cause for alarm. After analyzing H1N1 deaths in the United States in the spring, then projecting outcomes for this past fall, they found the flu season should have been no different than a typical flu season — and possibly even milder than average!. – Dr. Mercola

Dominant Social Theme: Just a gliche …

Free-Market Analysis: We have promised our readers not to keep score when it comes to the collapsing memes of the power elite because life is not simple and these are very big promotions. Also, in many cases it is not clear what constitutes a promotional setback. If one believes for instance that the war on terror is to some degree a promotion, then what exactly diminishes the promotion – an attack that may or may not be genuine, an arrest that may or may not be warranted, information that may or may not be credible, etc. Difficult to say.

But many dominant social themes DO seem somewhat troubled right now from our point of view – and of course whatever collateral damage has been received, we'd be happy if the Internet (a modern Gutenberg press) took credit for it. Global warming took a beating as a result of an Internet hacking of damning emails and data. Central banking itself – the lynchpin of power elite promotions – has never been more threatened or less credible than today, again a state of affairs to which we attribute information on the Internet. And now there is swine flu, the great dreaded bugaboo that was supposed to establish once again the efficiency and necessity of mass-scale vaccine programs brought to you by your friendly Big Pharma dealer.

Only somewhere along the line this promotion too went off the rails. Actually we do know when it happened. Way back in the middle 2000s the whole autism controversy kicked up. The idea that tots who were given vaccine cocktails that stressed their little systems ended up with autism became a popular concept among parents dealing with autistic kids. There were apocryphal stories of children having vaccines during the day and developing autism by evening.

At its peak, and right in the middle of the controversy, Big Pharma went and got itself a litigation exemption from Congress. That REALLY started the ball rolling. Big Pharma looked like it had something to hide, and the industry has never recovered. Even today, the Internet is thick with vaccine horror stories and a half-century of vaccine-promotion has swirled down the drain.

Vaccines remain enormously lucrative for Big Pharma. In a sense, vaccines are to the health care industry what other staples are to other industries. And that just how the power elite rolls. Control the staples – food, water, oil, etc., and set up false scarcities through promotions. Then those who control the solutions have the opportunity to hike prices and to ration the suddenly "precious" commodity.

These elaborate promotions can take decades to set up, in our opinion. One can see for instance, in the bottled water craze, the metaphorical establishment of water as a scarce substance worth paying an inordinate sum for. One can also see a spate of books coming forth about hitherto non-existent water shortages. These books are being advertised at and other credible sites. (Just wait.)

The vaccine promotion, too, has been long in the making. And that is why to pronounce that it is dead as a promotion would be both foolish and foolhardy. But the chances are that the great dream of Big Pharma – to make designer vaccines for every kind of ill including cancer – and then ram them down the throat of the body politic via regulatory authority is dying an agonizing death. Or at least the fruition of this dream has been put off.

How do we know? The pushback to swine flu tells us some of the story. Mainstream western publications were filled with dire predictions about swine flu, whereas the Internet – the alternative press – was far more skeptical. And as usual these days when it comes to these memes, the alternative free-market thinking press seems to have better reflected the temper of the times. Here's some more about swine flu from Dr. Mercola:

So now they are stating that supplies of H1N1 vaccine are increasing and many places have opened up vaccination to anyone who wants it. Fortunately, many do not. But the U.S. federal government has contracts to purchase 250 million doses of swine flu vaccine, which may explain why the Los Angeles Times recently reported that: "Health officials' biggest fear now is that, with the perception that the pandemic is waning, many people will decide they don't need the vaccine."

That the swine flu is "waning" is not a perception, it's a fact, but Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is not giving up on selling those shots, either. She stated in a news conference: "We have a wonderful window of opportunity to prevent or lessen a third wave."

A third wave? Excuse me, but we're still waiting for the first and second to show up! So it appears the WHO and governments around the world are going to keep pushing their H1N1 vaccines through the winter and into spring, even though swine flu cases are dwindling and are nowhere near what you would call a true, dangerous pandemic. …

So I have just one further sentiment I'd like to say to the media and health officials in the United States who are still trying to perpetuate the swine flu myth: … It's time to let it go now — the jig is up.

Coming on the heels of the autism fiasco, which still bubbles beneath the surface, we wonder how Big Pharma will regroup. The Holy Grail still beckons of course, the idea of producing vaccines and then mandating their use under the color of public health necessity. But in the era of the Internet this seems to be an increasingly questionable strategy.

After Thoughts

Most of the promotional strategies of the power elite were developed and refined pre-Internet. The idea of information sharing at a level of detail is anathema to power elite promotions, which tend to be blunt-headed tools. As we have pointed out, one of the tell-tale signs of a power elite promotion is the tendency of the dominant social theme to continue no matter what the evidence says. This kind of technique was very successful in the 20th century when the power elite owned or controlled most of the elements of mass communication – and could simply ignore the negativity. Today, it looks nuts. They don't know what else to do?

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